Notable Events of 1981

Iran releases 52 American hostages, minutes after Ronald Reagan is inaugurated as US President.

Royal wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer in Great Britain.

Martial law declared in Poland.

Gulf Cooperation Council created by six Arab states.

Israel bombs Iraq 's Osiraq nuclear plant.

MTV first airs on August 1, 1981, first song on MTV -- the Buggles' "Video Killed the Radio Star."

Sandra Day O'Conner become first woman Supreme Court Justice

IBM PC introduced.

Osbourne I, first portable computer, introduced.

Simon And Garfunkel reunite for a concert in Central Park

Mark Chapman is sentenced to 20 years to life for the murder of John Lennon

President Reagan is wounded in an assassination attempt outside the Washington Hilton. John W. Hinckley, Jr. 25, shoots the President and three others in the attack

The space shuttle Colombia makes it's maiden flight

Pope John Paul ll survives an assassination attempt in St. Peter's Square

A seven week baseball strike, longest in history causes a "split" season

John MacEnroe, The "Ugly American" wins his third straight Wimbledon

The largest merger in history occurred when DuPont aquires Conoco for 7.9 Billion

First test tube baby is born

Woodward Class of 1981 sets out to change the world.

Notable Events of 1980

Start of Iran-Iraq war.

US boycotts Moscow Olympics.

John Lennon assassinated.

Lech Walesa leads Solidarity union movement in Poland against communist government.

CNN launched.

Rhodesia becomes Zimbabwe.

Mount St. Helens erupts, killing 57, and causing $2-$3 billion of damage.

Notable Events of 1979

Shah overthrown in Iranian revolution.

Ayatollah Khomeini returns to Iran after 15 years in exile.

US embassy in Iran seized by &suot;students", and embassy staff held hostage.

Saddam Hussein becomes President of Iraq.

Margaret Thatcher becomes Britain's first woman Prime Minister.

Three Mile Island nuclear accident in US.

USSR and USA sign the SALT+II treaty, limiting nuclear arms.

Soviets forces invade Afghanistan.

Voyager I discovers faint ring system around Jupiter.

Visicalc, first spreadsheet software introduced.

Former US space station, Skylab, re-enters the Earth's atmosphere and debris is scattered in the Indian Ocean and Western Australia.

Ugandan dictator, Idi Admin, deposed.

Debut of the Garfield comic strip.

Muhammad Ali announces his retirement from boxing (although he will later, briefly, return).

Sony introduces the Walkman.

Sandinista rebels enter Managua, winning the civil war in Nicaragua.

Notable Events of 1978

US Senate votes to turn over the Panama Canal to Panama on December 31, 1999

OPEC Raises Prices 14% 

City Of Cleveland Defaults 

Israel and Egypt reach a peace settlement at the Camp David Accords

37 Israelis Are Slain In PLO Raid On Haifa Bus 

The US and mainland China announce that they will restore full diplomatic relations

"The Incredible Hulk" with Lou Ferrigno premiers 

"WKRP in Cincinnati" with Loni Anderson premiers 

Pete Rose sets an NL consecutive game hitting streak record of 44 

900 Jim Jones Temple Cult Members Die In Murder Suicide In Guyana 

Pope John Paul II becomes the first non-Italian pope in centuries

Ted Bundy is captured in Florida

"Bugs" are found in US Embassy in Moscow 

The first computer bulletin board system is created

Ashton Kutcher, Kobe Bryant, Usher, Clay Aiken, and Nelly Furtado are born

New York Yankees win the World Series

Dallas Cowboys win Superbowl XII

Montreal Canadiens win the Stanley Cup

Saturday Night Fever and Grease are the top grossing films

"Night Fever" by the Bee Gees spends the most time at the top of the US charts

Diff'rent Strokes and Mork & Mindy premiere
Charles W. Woodward High School
What Was Happening When We Were At High School
1978   -    1979    -    1980    -    1981